Storys zum Thema Politik
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French elections expose social discord bubbling beneath the surface, says report
mehr Next UK government must address 'long-term scars' of Brexit and austerity – study
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Study identifies 'urgent need' for wholesale reform to halt living standards decline in the UK
mehr German Environmental Protection Sector Records Impressive Growth
Berlin (ots) - Germany’s Federal Statistical Office says that 2022 turnover in goods and services in the sector reached 107.5 billion euros – an annual increase of 16.9 percent. Environmental protection is big business in Europe’s largest economy. And it’s grower bigger by the year, as the government figures show. The largest share of the nearly 108 billion euros of turnover in the sector came in climate ...
mehrBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
BVR: Council of the EU’s decision on CMDI acknowledges institutional protection but improvements are still needed
Berlin (ots) - The Council of the European Union (EU) has today decided on its general approach regarding the European Commission’s proposed legislation for amending the crisis management and deposit insurance framework (CMDI review). The Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) [National ...
mehrYoung people's regard for the EU is greater than their propensity to vote
Gütersloh (ots) - Young Europeans largely take a positive view of the European Union. They are nevertheless less motivated than the older population groups to participate in the European Elections, according to a new "eupinions" poll. Civil rights and combating climate change are of particular significance to them. Young people from the age of 16 in several EU ...
mehrResearchers: The future of democracy is on the ballot in Europe
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Europe's future threatened beyond far-right surge, says new report
mehr New report warns that eroding faith in democracy fuels Europe's far-right surge
mehrCorrection: International Law in the Face of Autocracy: Examining the UAE’s role
Brussels (ots) - Please note the correct date for the event: May 28 instead of March 28. --- The United Arab Emirates (UAE) portrays itself to the world as a progressive Arab state, but a closer look behind the glittering scenes of the Gulf state reveals sheer disregard for human rights and international law. British human rights lawyers Ben Keith and Rhys Davies from ...
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The Governance Triangle: 'Democracy does not exist in a vacuum'
mehr Governance researchers ask: 'Can we still call India a democracy?'
mehrUS governance decline: 'Democracies rarely implode quickly'
mehrTunisian governance 'backsliding' as Arab Spring gains prove fleeting
mehrMost of the world is living under eroding democratic accountability
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Researcher: World facing era 'where democracy is on the defensive'
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Report: Most people live where democratic accountability is eroding
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International Law in the Face of Autocracy: Examining the UAE’s role
mehr Researchers find 'democracy challenged' in global governance rankings
mehrEuropean Elections: Higher turnout expected, von der Leyen better known than her predecessors
Gütersloh (ots) - 60 percent of Europeans intend to cast their ballots in the European Elections in June. This would be around 10 percent more than in the last elections five years ago. This is the outcome of the new "eupinions" survey conducted by the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The survey also reveals that 75 percent of the European electorate know Ursula von der Leyen by ...
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Report: BRICS+ likely new counterpoint to G7-led geopolitical order
mehr Report: BRICS+ likely new counterpoint to G7-led geopolitical order
mehrBRICS expansion brings geopolitical challenges to G7, report finds
mehrSahel elites must move away from 'zero-sum' policies, report urges
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Sahel elites must move away from 'zero-sum' policies, report urges
mehr Sahel nations can build more resilient institutions, report says
mehrNew management for the EUTOP Group
mehrHow to halt democracy erosion
Gütersloh (ots) - The quality of democracy in developing and transformation countries has been in steady decline over the past 20 years. The latest findings of the Transformation Index of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, now in its tenth edition, show that out of 137 countries surveyed, only 63 remain democracies, while a majority are classified as autocracies. However, there is reason for hope. The examples of the transformation countries Brazil and Poland, where voters have ...
mehrLarge majority recognises disinformation as danger to democracy
Gütersloh/Berlin (ots) - The German population is concerned about disinformation being disseminated deliberately over the internet. They fear that political opinions and elections are being influenced in this way. The political class, civil society and the media must confront this challenge. Comparison with the United States shows that polarisation boosts awareness of ...