Storys aus - Kiel
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- 25mehr
The ocean – a climate champion? How to boost marine carbon dioxide uptake
mehrCOVID-19 Testing Without Having to Wait in line: A German Startup Shows How it Works
mehrHope Spot Ocean? – combining conservation and sustainable use / The new World Ocean Review: Communicating the latest marine knowledge understandably
mehrThe Polar Regions - The End of the Eternal Ice
Hamburg and Kiel, Germany (ots/PRNewswire) - The new 'World Ocean Review 6', published by mare in cooperation with the German Marine Research Consortium and the Future Ocean Network in Kiel, focuses on the dramatic climate-induced changes in the Arctic and Antarctic and their far-reaching consequences for humans and the environment The polar regions play an exceptional role in the Earth's climate system. The almost ...
mehrThe Polar Regions - The End of the Eternal Ice (FOTO)
Resources from the Sea: Can the ocean solve the resource problems of the future?
Hamburg/Kiel (ots) - In »World Ocean Review 3«, maribus has published a profound analysis of the opportunities and risks associated with the use of the oceans. The hunger of mankind for raw materials continues unabated. Oil consumption has doubled since the early 1970s, and the demand for mineral resources is increasing with the ever growing use of metals, such as ...