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BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie

  • 26.02.2019 – 10:20

    Federation of German Industries (BDI): "British politicians should not postpone decisions anymore"

    Berlin (ots) - - London should stop the Brexit process, if no majority can be found - Companies are preparing for no-deal Brexit - EU needs to keep on track "British politicians should not postpone decisions anymore. All the options are on the table. It would be absurd for the United Kingdom to slide into a hard Brexit in four weeks' time, one that even the majority in ...

  • 16.01.2019 – 09:38

    BDI chief executive Joachim Lang: "Hysteria has won out - no time left for the hangover"

    Berlin (ots) - "The rejection of the withdrawal agreement is alarming. Where common sense was required, hysteria has won out. Any chance of finding a route out of the chaos has been lost for the present. Businesses on both this side and the other side of the English Channel continue to be left hanging in mid-air. A chaotic Brexit is drawing dangerously closer. The top ...

  • 10.01.2019 – 10:53

    BDI President Kempf: Strengthen the European Union to better compete with China

    Berlin (ots) - - The organisation formulates 54 demands addressed to the German Federal Government and the European Commission - Making the market economy more resilient - Calls for new security controls on foreign investments The President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Dieter Kempf, has called on the German Federal Government and the European ...

  • 23.11.2018 – 15:47

    BDI on the pending EU Special Summit: Industry expects a clear sign of agreement

    Berlin (ots) - Regarding the fundamental agreement between the Brexit negotiators on a political declaration and ahead of the EU Special Summit on Sunday, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "Industry expects a clear sign of agreement" - "I'm expecting a clear sign of agreement from the Brexit Special Summit. Reopening the negotiations is not the way forward. - ...

  • 09.10.2018 – 15:36

    BDI chief executive Joachim Lang on Brexit: "Europe must prevent a worst-case scenario"

    Berlin (ots) - - Lead negotiators must show even greater readiness to compromise - A transition period to the end of 2020 is essential for business - Companies are making preparations for a hard Brexit "Europe must prevent a worst-case scenario with Brexit.A split between the United Kingdom and the European Union without a separation and transitional agreement and ...