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Vodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH

  • 30.01.2020 – 10:00

    Survey: European policy benefits national digital development

    Berlin (ots) - More than two-thirds of Europeans (68%) believe that European policy and legislation is having a positive impact on their country's digital development, a new survey of the Vodafone Institute, the European think-tank of the Vodafone Group, has revealed. Citizens in Hungary and Poland (75%) were most convinced that membership of the EU is beneficial to national digital development, compared to people from ...

  • 30.07.2019 – 11:00

    F-LANE selects five tech start-ups that improve the world

    Berlin (ots) - F-LANE is Europe's first accelerator with a focus on start-ups by and for women in the tech sector. The Vodafone Institute selected the five most convincing young companies for F-LANE. They are start-ups and social ventures from India, Ghana, Nigeria, the UK and Germany. A seven-week support program is now waiting for them in Berlin, which includes mentorship, training, networking and financial start-up ...