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IFR - International Federation of Robotics
2Record 4 Million Robots on Factory Floors Worldwide / World Robotics 2024 Report by International Federation of Robotics released
moreZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Commemoration of the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti on 2 August 2024
moreBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
BVR: Council of the EU’s decision on CMDI acknowledges institutional protection but improvements are still needed
Berlin (ots) - The Council of the European Union (EU) has today decided on its general approach regarding the European Commission’s proposed legislation for amending the crisis management and deposit insurance framework (CMDI review). The Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) [National ...
moreEnvironment Ministers failed to acknowledge the value of biobased and compostable plastics’ innovation for packaging solutions
Brussels (ots) - European Bioplastics reacts to the General Approach adopted by the Environment Council on the proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. European Bioplastics (EUBP) regrets the position adopted on 18 December by the Environment Ministers in the Environment Council, deeming the ...
moreEuropean Parliament improves rules on packaging recyclability but takes a risky bet on recycled plastic content
IEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
Health professionals should know the vaping facts
Brussels (ots) - 700,000 people in the EU die each year as a result of smoking and every second smoker dies 14 years prematurely. [1] Switching to vaping has helped millions of smokers worldwide to significantly reduce the harm to their health. The principle of harm reduction works, and millions more smokers could benefit from it. But for it to really change society, smokers need the facts: and that starts with healthcare ...
moreIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
Chinese and European e-cigarette associations sign Code for Responsible Marketing
Brussels (ots) - The European e-cigarette association Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) recently decided to update its Code for Responsible Marketing in order to demonstrate the responsibility of the industry when it comes to youth protection. The Chinese association China Electronic Chamber of Commerce (ECCC) now also has signed this code. This is a very good ...
moreIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
Vaping facts - European awareness campaign launched
Brussels (ots) - IEVA, the only pan-European vaping association, launched today a new campaign aimed at educating smokers about the harm reduction potential of vaping compared to combustible tobacco. Far too few smokers know the actual facts about e-cigarettes, making them less likely to switch to a significantly less harmful alternative. This lack of understanding has serious consequences. According to the European ...
moreIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
Vaping industry underlines the importance of product choice
Brussels (ots) - The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) welcomed the decision of MEPs to recognize tobacco harm reduction as a tool in beating cancer; but remains concerned that the report approved today by the European Parliament leaves the door open to a flavour ban in the EU. The Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) today voted on the amendments and the draft of the Beating Cancer report by Rapporteur ...
moreIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
Tobacco Harm Reduction is critical if we are to reduce smoking related disease rates worldwide
Brussels (ots) - Eight million smokers worldwide die from a smoking-related disease every year. [1] Tobacco Harm Reduction is a chance for smokers to switch from an extremely harmful to a significantly less harmful alternative. [2] Unfortunately, the WHO has lost sight of this in recent years. But it is not too late to repent. It must focus on the future of millions of ...
moreEMD - European Marketing Distribution
Johan Neuman new EMD President
IEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
EU scientific committee ignores the science on vaping
Brussels (ots) - The European Commission has today missed an opportunity to bolster its Beating Cancer Plan and recognise the importance of vaping in reducing smoking-related diseases among Europeans. A report from the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER)[1] has failed to compare the risks of electronic cigarette use with the risks of smoking. Such an omission renders the report of ...
moreBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
Institutional protection schemes in Europe publish joint declaration in support of a strong banking union
Berlin (ots) - The institutional protection schemes in the banking sector in Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain have published a joint declaration on their role within a strong banking union. By making this declaration, the institutional protection schemes wish to contribute to the political discussions ...
moreEuropean Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP)
EAEP as a Driving Force and Think Tank: European Association of Online Pharmacies Repositions Itself
Brussels/Berlin (ots) - The leading association of European online pharmacies has a new board team, a new name and a new external image: Walter Hess, Head Germany in the Group Management of the Zur Rose Group and CEO of DocMorris N.V., is now president of the association and Stefan Feltens, CEO SHOP APOTHEKE EUROPE, ...
moreIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
Beating cancer with Harm Reduction
Bruxelles (ots) - The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) welcomes and supports the “EU Beating Cancer Plan” presented today by the European Commission. The plan is extremely important in order to significantly reduce the number of cancer-related deaths. However, the new EU strategy neglects an important instrument for public health: Harm Reduction. Almost one third of cancer cases in Europe are caused by smoking: “Tobacco consumption continues to be the leading ...
moreIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
E-Cigarettes flavours ban in the Netherlands endangers Public Health
Brussels (ots) - Around 65 percent of adult vapers in Europe use fruit or sweet liquids. [1] The variety of flavours is one of the most important reasons for smokers to switch to e-cigarettes and for vapers not to go back to smoking. Without paying attention to this fact, the Dutch State Secretary Paul Blokhuis has announced to ban all e-cigarette flavours except ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
With respect to the forthcoming G20 summit, BDI President Dieter Kempf says: "German industry's expectations from the G20 summit are moderate."
Berlin (ots) - - "German industry's expectations from the G20 summit are moderate. Since the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, the G20 has been more concerned with damage control, obstructionism and national egoism than with solving global problems. Opportunities for a vital multilateral restart and ...
Bioplastics successfully meet all EU safety standards
Berlin (ots) - Products made from bio-based plastics must undergo the same testing procedures as conventional plastic products to access the market of the European Union (EU). Thereby a health risk for consumers is excluded. Plastics intended to be certified as biodegradable or compostable require additional tests. "Products made of bioplastics thus pass even more tests than conventional plastic products," explains Hasso ...
moreIEVA (Independent European Vape Alliance)
European survey: 80 percent of vapers stopped smoking completely / Flavors are extremely important to vapers
Brussels (ots) - More than 80 percent of smokers who switched to e-cigarettes have completely stopped smoking. Around 65 percent of vapers in Europe use fruit or sweet liquids. These are two important results of a survey carried out by the European Independent Vape Alliance (IEVA). More than 3,300 european ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI statement on the final debate in parliament on a British Internal Market Bill: "Another piece of bad news for companies on both sides of the English Channel"
Berlin (ots) - With respect to the final debate in parliament on a British Internal Market Bill, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "Another piece of bad news for companies on both sides of the English Channel" - "The Internal Market Bill is another piece of bad news for companies on both sides of the English ...
moreBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
Uniting Europe digitally: 50 years of arts support from 'jugend creativ' celebrated during gala event / Patron Iris Berben: "The youth competition is a shining example of corporate citizenship"
Berlin (ots) - The local cooperative banks' international youth competition, 'jugend creativ', has been motivating children and young people across Europe to explore social issues through creativity for half a century. Since the first competition was held in 1970, a total of 90 million international entries have ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on the British Internal Market Bill: "Government losing credibility on a huge scale"
Berlin (ots) - With reference to the parliamentary introduction of the British Internal Market Bill, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "The British government is losing credibility on a huge scale." - "With its current course, the British government is losing credibility on a huge scale in the post-Brexit negotiations. There is no getting around the fact that the ...
moreBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
50 years of 'jugend creativ' - 50 years of commitment to creative brilliance: International gala event and awards ceremony live streamed from Berlin
Berlin (ots) - The international youth competition 'jugend creativ', an initiative of cooperative banks from seven European countries, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. With more than 90 million participants to date, it is not only the world's biggest creativity competition for young people but also the ...
BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on the conclusion of the Brexit round of talks: "A collapse in the negotiations on a partnership agreement is now all but inevitable"
Berlin (ots) - Following the conclusion of the sixth round of Brexit talks, BDI Director General Joachim Lang said: "A collapse in the negotiations on a partnership agreement is now all but inevitable." - "The sixth round of Brexit negotiations was more than a disappointment for the German economy. On key points, ...
moreVDA - Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.
Concept for new IAA 2021 presented by VDA President Müller, Messe München CEO Dittrich, Bavarian Minister-President Söder and Lord Mayor of Munich Reiter
Berlin/Munich (ots) - The mobility and technology sectors will meet for the first IAA in Munichfrom September 7 to 12, 2021. A new venue and a new concept: the IAA 2021 will become an exhibition, a forward-looking mobilityplatformand a dialog forum all at the same time. Thenew IAA isa triad: The Summit onthe trade ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on restarting Brexit negotiations: "Resumption of the talks is a long-expected signal"
Berlin (ots) - With respect to the resumption of the Brexit negotiations, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "Resumption of the talks is a long-expected signal" - "The fact that the EU and the United Kingdom are resuming talks on their future relationship is a long-expected signal. The corona crisis currently demands a great deal of attention and valuable time ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on Brexit: "Withdrawal is the right step on the wrong path"
Berlin (ots) - - Without an extension of the transition period, only a basic agreement is possible - EU must protect businesses from unfair competition - A hard Brexit at the end of the year is not off the table The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU on Friday is the right step on the wrong path, according to the Federation of German Industries (BDI). "The uncertainty surrounding the withdrawal may be over, but ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI reaction to election results in the UK: The political fog in London is clearing
Berlin (ots) - In response to the election results in the UK, BDI Director General Joachim Lang comments: "The political fog in London is clearing." "The political fog in London is clearing. The outcome of this election is linked to the mandate to quickly accept the withdrawal agreement. - No company in Germany wants Brexit. Nevertheless, our companies breathe a sigh ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
Run-up to the investiture of the new European Commission: Federation of German Industries calls for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to swiftly present a modern EU industrial strategy
Berlin (ots) - In light of the investiture of the new European Commission, Director General Managing Director of the German Federation of German Industries (BDI) Joachim Lang calls for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to present a modern EU industrial strategy without delay. - "German industry appeals to ...