10.03.2025 – 17:05CT CoreTechnologie GmbHPress Release: New Envelope Geometry Tool for Automated 3D Model ReductionMore Information on the SoftwareOne documentmore
06.08.2024 – 16:30Körber AGKörber and KKR announce the strategic acquisition of MercuryGate to strengthen their supply chain software businessmore
27.10.2023 – 12:40P3 Group GmbHFirst of its kind: Switch and P3 Energy Lab unveil new test environment for green mobility innovationmore
09.06.2023 – 16:22i-EM SrlDiscover the user-friendly i-EM solar energy management solutions at EM-Power Europemore
26.09.2022 – 10:00Aiways Automobile Europe GmbHFinal European testing: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé on last test drives on European roadsmore
18.01.2022 – 18:04Universität OsnabrückUnderstanding human vision through Deep Learning - 1.5 Million ERC Starting Grant for scientist of Osnabrück Universitymore
05.05.2021 – 14:16MAHLE International GmbHPRESS RELEASE: MAHLE develops highly efficient magnet-free electric motormore
13.05.2020 – 11:08Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAFQuantum Computing: Start of the Fraunhofer Competence Center "Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg"Learn more about the Competence Centermore