Stories about Naturwissenschaft
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Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla Honored With the Leibniz Prize 2025
moreTechnische Universität München
Removing hazardous PFAS chemicals from drinking water
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE TUM researchers develop highly effective filter material Removing hazardous PFAS chemicals from drinking water - Metal-organic framework compounds made of zirconium carboxylate as filters - Large-scale use in practice still to come - Contaminated sites caused by PFAS will be with us for several generations ahead The chemicals known as PFAS are considered a severe threat to ...
moreTechnische Universität München
New method for designing artificial proteins
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Designing large new proteins with AI New method for designing artificial proteins - Efficient design of new proteins with desired properties - Size of newly designed proteins is approaching that of antibodies - Predicted protein structures successfully validated in experiments Protein design aims to create customized antibodies for therapies, biosensors for diagnostics, or ...
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Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 – Driving Innovation in Sustainable Materials Management
One documentmore Technische Universität München
Significant Extension of Zinc Battery Lifespan
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE TUM Researchers Develop New Chemical Method for Improved Energy Storage Significant Extension of Zinc Battery Lifespan - Improvement to several hundred thousand charge cycles - Protective layer for zinc anode - Important result in basic research - Large-scale engineering implementation still pending The transition to renewable energy requires efficient methods for storing large ...
Technische Universität München
What gave the first molecules their stability?
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE New insights into the origins of life What gave the first molecules their stability? • Until now, it was unclear how complex molecules could survive in the primordial soup• Unstable RNA molecules are stabilized by double strands • RNAs may be able to form their own complementary strand The origins of life remain a major mystery. How were complex molecules able to form and ...
morePress Release: Restless Legs Syndrome: Genetic Discoveries Advance Treatment and Risk Prediction
Researchers at Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) together with international collaborators have conducted the largest genetic investigation of the restless legs syndrome to date. Their findings, ...
New York (ots/PRNewswire) - The LEGO Group invites kids to see space as a playground for their imagination as it blasts their predictions of space travel above the New York City skyline - A new global study1 by the LEGO Group reveals that 86 percent of kids are interested in finding new planets, stars and galaxies, ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Boron deficiency: oilseed rape reacts as with infection and pest infestation | Genetic mechanisms uncovered
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Genetic mechanisms uncovered Boron deficiency: oilseed rape reacts as with infection and pest infestation - Oilseed rape reacts to boron deficiency during flowering in a similar way as to pests and infections - Boron deficiency could become an increasing problem due to ...
moreWhat Our Genetic Information Tells Us About Type 2 Diabetes Risk and Complications
moreGesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
The Mario Markus Prize for useless inventions
Frankfurt am Main/Dortmund (ots) - That sounds contradictory, but it is reality. Every year, the German Chemical Society (GDCh) awards the 10,000-euro “Mario Markus Prize for Natural Sciences” for an unexpected invention or discovery in the natural sciences that has no visible application. With this prize, Prof. Dr. Mario Markus, who funds the award, wants to counteract the trend of only supporting or honoring ...
Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
2EU-funded project SPINUS pioneers scalable solid-state quantum computing
moreTechnische Universität München
Prof. Pfleiderer new scientific director of the FRM II
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Change at the top of the TUM Research Neutron Source Prof. Pfleiderer new scientific director of the FRM II • Experimental physicist with an international reputation • Manager with scientific vision and diplomatic skills • FRM II as a service provider for researchers in Germany and abroad The Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source (FRM II) is getting a new ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Start-up dedicated to developing new antibiotics
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Smartbax nominated for Falling Walls award Start-up dedicated to developing new antibiotics • New approach against resistant pathogens • Agent damages protein transport and energy balance of bacteria • Two TUM spin-offs nominated for Science Breakthrough of the Year at Falling Walls Summit It all began with basic research: While conducting laboratory experiments, a team ...
moreFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
Quantum technologies are approaching application
moreTechnische Universität München
Genetically encoded nano-barcodes
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Electron microscopy: Nano-reporter proteins make invisible processes visible Genetically encoded nano-barcodes - New gene reporter system for electron microscopy - Uses barcodes to identify cellular states and structures that would otherwise remain unidentified - Important step to better elucidate cellular structural changes also in disease How do the nerve cells in our brain communicate with each other? What processes take place ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Mathematically speaking, geothermal energy could meet 40 percent of Bavaria's heating needs
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE TUM researchers present assessment of Geothermal Energy Master Plan Mathematically speaking, geothermal energy could meet 40 percent of Bavaria's heating needs - Assessment of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs' Master Plan - Geothermal energy could be used many times more frequently than before - Long-distance heat ...
Technische Universität München
New X-ray technology can improve Covid-19 diagnosis
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: Images: NEWS RELEASE New X-ray technology can improve Covid-19 diagnosis Patient study demonstrates benefits of dark-field X-ray technology A research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has, for the first time, produced dark-field X-ray images of ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness?
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22778 - email: - web: This text on the web: Picture: NEWS RELEASE Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness? Size of fat cells can cause ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Molecular monitoring of RNA regulation
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10808 - email: - web: This text on the web: Pictures: NEWS RELEASE Molecular monitoring of RNA regulation New biological tool for tracking cellular processes The better we ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Quantum technology for cancer imaging
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10808 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE Quantum technology for cancer imaging Applied quantum mechanics in medicine Tracing the metabolism of tumor cells using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes: Synthetic peptides may suppress formation of harmful amyloid aggregates
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22779 - email: - web: Image download: NEWS RELEASE Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes: Synthetic peptides may suppress formation of harmful amyloid ...
moreLandscape of molecular contacts: How the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 communicates with human cells
Technische Universität München
Climate simulation more realistic with Artificial Intelligence
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE Climate simulation more realistic with Artificial Intelligence Machine learning improves climate models Accurately modeling ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Scientific analysis of Germany’s oldest beer: Study shows molecular profile of 19th-century beer sample
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This news release online: NEWS RELEASE Scientific analysis of ...
moreTechnische Universität München
More wheat for global food security: Utilizing substantial genetic potential for higher yields
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution image: NEWS RELEASE More wheat for global food ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Viruses help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria - Cell-free production of bacteriophages
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Viruses help combat ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Heat-lovers are the lucky ones - Researchers show population trends of native insects
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Heat-lovers are the lucky ones: Insects and climate change 40 years of conservation ...
moreTechnische Universität München
3D printed, bioinspired heart valves
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10808 - email: - web: This text on the web: Pictures: NEWS RELEASE 3D printed, bioinspired heart valves Scaffolds created by melt electrowriting aim to support new tissue formation Researchers have developed 3D ...