13.03.2025 – 15:00Ottobock SE & Co. KGaAStronger, Lighter, Smarter: The Future of Back Support is Heremore
11.02.2025 – 10:03DHL GroupPM: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding zeigt Wege zur Schaffung resilienter globaler Lieferketten / PR: China Plus X: DHL Global Forwarding shows new ways to build resilient global supply chainsOne documentmore
04.12.2024 – 11:00DHL Group5PM: Mit Rekordtempo in die 11. Saison: DHL integriert den Hochleistungs-Rennwagen GEN3 Evo in seine Logistik für die Formel E / PR: Accelerating into Season 11: DHL integrates the groundbreaking GEN3 Evo race car into its Formula E logisticsmore
12.09.2024 – 10:09LKW WALTER2LKW WALTER celebrates its 100th anniversary: A century of innovation and sustainability in the transport industrymore
03.09.2024 – 11:00DHL Group2PM: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 beleuchtet neue Entwicklungen in Bereichen wie KI und Nachhaltigkeit / PR: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 unveils emerging AI trends and sustainable solutions2 Documentsmore
30.07.2024 – 09:07sennder Technologies GmbHsennder signs agreement to acquire C.H. Robinson’s European Surface Transportation operations, combining revenue to EUR 1.4bnmore
22.07.2024 – 09:00DHL GroupPM: DHL und Envision treiben gemeinsam nachhaltige Logistik- und Energieinnovationen voran / PR: DHL and Envision team up for sustainable innovations in logistics and energymore
19.06.2024 – 09:00SmappeeSmappee plugs into the future with an innovative range of premium DC chargers, tailor-made for all fast-charging needsmore
03.06.2024 – 14:00DHL GroupPM: DHL Supply Chain erweitert Pharmalogistik-Geschäft in Frankreich / PR: DHL Supply Chain expands pharma logistics operations in Francemore
08.05.2024 – 14:00STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbHSTRABAG PFS acquires ELCO Group and expands into Luxembourgmore
04.03.2024 – 10:00Financialright Trucks 24 GmbHNew class action against the truck cartel: Another chance for affected companies to assert claims without cost riskmore
01.03.2024 – 14:00DHL Group2PM: DHL eröffnet neues internationales Logistikzentrum in Posen, Polen / PR: DHL opens new International Logistics Center in Poznan, Poland2 Documentsmore
27.02.2024 – 11:00DHL GroupPM: DHL erneuert Partnerschaft mit Formel 1® und verdoppelt mit Biokraftstoff betriebene Lkw-Flotte / PR: DHL renews partnership with Formula 1® and doubles biofuel-powered truck fleetOne documentmore
05.02.2024 – 17:44DHL GroupPM: DHL Supply Chain und Aramco starten ASMO / PR: DHL Supply Chain and Aramco launch ASMOmore
31.01.2024 – 10:09DHL Group2PM: DHL kooperiert mit Schneider Electric bei Transportlösung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Agilität / PR: DHL partners with Schneider Electric to launch new shipping model for improved sustainability and agility2 Documentsmore
24.01.2024 – 10:01DHL GroupPM: Akquisition genehmigt: DHL Global Forwarding schließt Übernahme von Danzas AEI Emirates ab / PR: Acquisition approved: DHL Global Forwarding completes acquisition of Danzas AEI Emirates2 Documentsmore
05.10.2023 – 11:01DHL Group2PM: KI-gestützte Computer Vision ist laut neuestem DHL Trend Report branchenprägende Technologie / PR: AI-driven computer vision has become an industry-shaping technology, finds latest DHL’s Trend Reportmore
19.09.2023 – 16:49PAKI Logistics GmbHPAKi Logistics opens sixth office in Italy and continues international growthmore
22.03.2023 – 16:03STRABAG SE2Container homes for earthquake victims: STRABAG and ÖBB Rail Cargo Group get aid on trackmore
12.05.2022 – 09:30German Bionic SystemsSmart and fully connected German Bionic Cray X exoskeleton live at Multimodal 2022 in Birminghammore
30.03.2022 – 11:15TRADIUM GmbHGerman Supplier From Frankfurt Delivers Critical Raw Materials To The UK Despite Shortagesmore
13.12.2021 – 15:00German Bionic SystemsGerman Bionic launches 5th generation Cray X, smart AI-powered exoskeleton with active walking assistance, outdoor capabilities, and other pioneering technologiesmore
18.08.2021 – 14:30German Bionic SystemsWorkplace health and safety: German Bionic introduces AI-based ergonomics early warning system for manual handling environments / SMART SAFETY COMPANION enables more sustainable and responsible corporate governancemore
25.06.2021 – 15:10LKQ EuropeEuropean Parliament Member Ismail Ertug visits LKQ Europe’s Logistics Operations in Sulzbach-Rosenbergmore
17.06.2021 – 08:15Framo GmbHFramo on a clear course: New investments of 15 million euros, market presence strengthenedmore
02.12.2020 – 12:214ARTechnologiesLeading fine-art logistics specialist hasenkamp and 4ARTechnologies launch strategic cooperation to revolutionize global art handlingmore
10.11.2020 – 09:22MECOTEC GmbH2German MECOTEC Group launches one-stop-solution for deep-freeze, transport, storage and distribution for COVID-19-Vaccines with its first Mobile Hybrid Containermore