28.01.2025 – 10:002Senior managers for the European Newsroom - Christian Röwekamp appointed Editorial Directormore
25.06.2024 – 13:153Daniel Schöningh elected as new chairman of the dpa supervisory board - David Brandstätter steps down from the boardmore
25.06.2024 – 12:583dpa group continues on growth path in 2023 financial year - 75 years of independent agency journalismAnnual Report 2023more
28.09.2023 – 13:002dpa publishes first sustainability report - mobility biggest source of CO2Sustainability Report 2022more
31.05.2023 – 09:302Fact checks in a new format - dpa launches international alliance against disinformation about Ukrainemore
20.12.2022 – 09:30New dual leadership at dpa's English Service: Managing Editor Helen Maguire additionally becomes Product Manager, Robin Powell becomes Team Leadermore
28.10.2022 – 14:124Inspiration, role model, getting to have a say: What makes influencers so successful among young people - and what journalism can learn from themmore
06.09.2022 – 22:196European news agencies reinforce Brussels reporting with the launch of the European newsroommore
22.06.2022 – 12:262dpa group continues on growth path / New newsroom for central editorial office in the coming yearAnnual Report 2021more
01.09.2021 – 09:30News offerings for Generation Z: #UseTheNews playbook published by dpa, BDZV, and HAW HamburgDownload playbookmore
01.07.2021 – 12:30Despite coronavirus crisis: dpa slightly increases revenue and profitAnnual Report 2020more
28.04.2021 – 14:33#UseTheNews study: Young people often feel that journalistic news lacks a connection to the reality of their own livesmore
15.04.2021 – 11:013dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli honoured at Sony World Photography Awards and Pictures of the Year Asiamore
24.02.2021 – 12:15Ansgar Haase to head dpa Brussels bureau / Verena Schmitt-Roschmann to become special correspondent in Berlinmore
23.02.2021 – 14:012dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli receives Pictures of the Year International prizemore