25.05.2023 – 13:20ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KGSTIHL cuts carbon emissions and publishes 2022 Sustainability Reportmehr
15.05.2023 – 14:58nova-Institut GmbHBio-based content, compostable plastics, and chemical recycling – many opportunities for more innovation and sustainability in the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)Renewable Carbon InitiativeEin Dokumentmehr
10.05.2023 – 13:00DHL Group2PM: Digitale Plattform myDHLi von DGF hilft mittlerweile über 16.000 Kunden ihre Logistik auch in unsicheren Zeiten zu meistern / PR: Over 16,000 customers enabled to tackle uncertainties in logistics through DGF’s digital platform myDHLi2 Dokumentemehr
08.05.2023 – 12:01DHL GroupPM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product2 Dokumentemehr
03.05.2023 – 07:28nova-Institut GmbH4Smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technologies and Materials Defossilise the EconomyConference on CO?-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023Ein Dokumentmehr
25.04.2023 – 11:00ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KGSTIHL sets revenue record and focuses on dual technological leadershipmehr
24.04.2023 – 13:41Koehler GroupGroundbreaking ceremony for EUR 70 million project: Koehler Group converts from coal-fired to environmentally friendly biomass power plantmehr
05.04.2023 – 15:00ClimatePartner GmbHMandatory emissions reduction and even greater transparency: ClimatePartner introduces new solution for climate actionmehr
04.04.2023 – 12:00Xella International GmbHXella commits to an ambitious, science-based target for CO2 emissions reductionmehr
30.03.2023 – 13:04Aurubis AG3Press release: Enabling tomorrow - Aurubis releases new Sustainability ReportEin Dokumentmehr
15.03.2023 – 15:56nova-Institut GmbH4RCI Carbon Flows Report: Compilation of supply and demand of fossil and renewable carbon on a global and European levelRCI Carbon Flows ReportEin Dokumentmehr
02.03.2023 – 09:45SAACKE GmbHPress release: SAACKE receives essential approval for methanol marine boiler systemsEin Dokumentmehr
03.12.2022 – 12:36Aurubis AGPress Release: Aurubis makes the final round of the 15th German Sustainability AwardEin Dokumentmehr
07.11.2022 – 13:15researchanalyst.com3Analysis - The diesel truck runs on hydrogen tooEin Dokumentmehr
28.07.2022 – 09:31Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis signs renewable power deal with green energy producer Eneco and lives up to industry leadership in sustainabilityEin Dokumentmehr
17.06.2022 – 19:37Aurubis AG4Press release: Aurubis AG starts construction of a € 300 million (approx. $ 320 million) multimetal recycling plant in Augusta, Georgia3 Dokumentemehr
19.01.2022 – 13:04maribus gGmbHHope Spot Ocean? – combining conservation and sustainable use / The new World Ocean Review: Communicating the latest marine knowledge understandablymehr
10.12.2021 – 11:08Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis AG and Wärme Hamburg GmbH to further expand Germany’s largest industrial heat systemEin Dokumentmehr
11.10.2021 – 15:02Aurubis AG4Press release: Tomorrow Metals by Aurubis - Multimetal supplier stands for a strong commitment to sustainabilityEin Dokumentmehr
03.09.2021 – 12:13Aurubis AG3Press Release: Aurubis wins the Responsible Care Competition of the VCIEin Dokumentmehr
19.08.2021 – 15:00Aurubis AG3Aurubis awarded platinum status for sustainability by EcoVadisEin Dokumentmehr
16.08.2021 – 04:10News DirectUNFCC Climate Report delivers a message of hope stating 1.5 is within reach if immediate action is takenmehr
31.05.2021 – 14:45Circular ValleyCircular Valley selects 15 start-ups from a field of international applicants for EU Green DealLearn moremehr
27.05.2021 – 15:13Aurubis AG4Press release: Aurubis: First copper anodes produced with hydrogenEin Dokumentmehr
22.04.2021 – 15:33Circular Valley2Circular Valley: First application period for circular economy start-ups ongoing until the end of Aprill 2021Learn moremehr