Storys zum Thema Telekommunikation

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  • 18.02.2004 – 09:01

    Materna Information & Communications SE

    Anny Way Mobile Data Gateway from MATERNA selected by O2 UK

    Dortmund (ots) - Anny Way Mobile Data Gateway from MATERNA Information and Communications GmbH has been selected by O2 UK to provide next generation mobile browsing and mobile services using 2.x. The Gateway, part of the Anny Way branded mobile services and applications from MATERNA, is the first WAP 2.x Gateway, which supports the new protocol stacks WP TCP and WP HTTP for a greatly improved browsing experience. ...

  • 20.02.2002 – 14:35

    intec GmbH

    intec Innovations at CeBIT 2002: Convenient measurement technology for ADSL and ISDN

    Lüdenscheid (ots) - According to the current study of TELCO trends carried out by the management consultants Mummert und Partner, both the management and specialists in the telecommunications branch consider the following three to be the most important challenges for 2002: the strategic areas cost reduction and customer loyalty and the rapid spread of DSL ...