Storys zum Thema Energie
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- Zeitraum:Gesamt
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The Use of Food and Feed Crops for Bio-based Materials and the Related Effects on Food Security – Recognising Potential Benefits
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Press release - Capital Market Day 2023: Aurubis underscores leading role as the world’s most sustainable and efficient smelter network and sees great strategic growth potential in the North American market
Ein Dokumentmehr G20: International platform of foundations and philanthropy calls upon the G20 Heads to increase actions on climate change and future resilience
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eROCKIT Germany: Ex-Tesla manager Harald Schlarb joins advisory board
Ein Dokumentmehr Q ENERGY sells 76 MW solar portfolio in Spain
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PM: DHL unternimmt nächste Schritte in der grünen Logistik für die Formel 1® mit Einführung einer ersten Lkw-Flotte, die durch Biokraftstoff den CO2-Fußabdruck reduziert / PR: DHL takes green logistics to the next level with Formula 1® launching a
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Strong Interest in Renewable Materials: Record Conference Attendance and Three Winners of the “Renewable Material of the Year 2023” Innovation Award
Ein Dokumentmehr Summer Special 2023 – 20 % discount on market and trend reports all around renewable carbon until 31 August 2023
Ein DokumentmehrLAMILUX Composites joins the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact
Ein DokumentmehrFraport to Purchase More Wind Energy
Ein DokumentmehrBio-based content, compostable plastics, and chemical recycling – many opportunities for more innovation and sustainability in the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)
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Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Congress Destination Leipzig - Straightforwward Sustainability
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Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) 2023 – Call for Abstracts
Ein Dokumentmehr Invitation to coverage and press conference – Renewable Materials Conference 2023, Siegburg near Cologne, Germany
2 DokumentemehrPM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product
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The Chemical and Plastics Industry Will Need to Replace 1 Gt of Fossil Carbon per Year with Renewable Carbon from Biomass, CO₂ and Recycling to Reach Net-Zero by 2050
Ein Dokumentmehr Q ENERGY to build 105 MW of solar power in southern Spain
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Smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technologies and Materials Defossilise the Economy
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PM: Den Worten Taten folgen lassen: DHL stellt auf dem ersten globalen Gipfel der Branche Meilensteine der Nachhaltigkeit und ein neues Tool vor / PR: Putting words into action: DHL unveils sustainability milestones and a new tool at industry-first g
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“Best CO₂ Utilisation 2023” Innovation Award – Three winning CCU solutions open the road to transition away from fossil resources
Ein Dokumentmehr New platform sheds light on the bioeconomy
Harnessing innovation to build a bio-based, climate-neutral and circular economy – that is the goal of Germany’s National Bioeconomy Strategy. But is Germany on track, and does development align with the overarching Sustainable Development Goals? Please excuse any double sendings Joint Press release Oeko-Institut and Symobio 2.0 Darmstadt, 18. April ...
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The rise of Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) as a renewable carbon feedstock – More than 1.3 million tonnes capacity for CO₂-based products already exist and are expected to at least quadruple by 2030
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Press release: Enabling tomorrow - Aurubis releases new Sustainability Report
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Press Release: SGL Carbon expands material portfolio with new carbon fiber for high-strength pressure vessels
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Press Release SGL Carbon to Supply Key Graphite Components for Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide Production Facilities
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Six Materials Nominated for the Innovation Award “Renewable Material of the Year 2023”
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RCI Carbon Flows Report: Compilation of supply and demand of fossil and renewable carbon on a global and European level
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From Emission-made Shoes to Jet Fuels – Smart Innovations Make CO₂ the Feedstock of the Future
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