Stories about Wirtschaft
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PR | AbTF Joins Make the Label Count Initiative to Promote Fair Assessment of Natural Fibres
One documentmore PM: DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur / PR: DHL Group again posts significant revenue growth in the third quarter despite persistently muted macro dynamics
DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur - Konzernumsatz im dritten Quartal 2024 mit 20,6 Milliarden Euro um 6,2 Prozent über dem Vergleichszeitraum (Q3 2023: 19,4 Milliarden ...
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PR AbTF: Cotton made in Africa Supports the Development of West African Textile Production in Benin
One documentmore PM: DHL Express Leitfaden unterstützt kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) bei globaler Expansion / PR: DHL Express report provides guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on expanding to global markets
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Press Release - For environmental protection and sustainability – hubergroup products are on the positive list of the Blue Angel environmental certification for offset printing inks
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PM: Was treibt social, sustainable und cross-border Shopper an / PR: What drives social, sustainable, and cross-border shoppers
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Press Release - hubergroup showcases Innovative Solutions at EURASIA PACKAGING FAIR 2024
One documentmore Horstman and Van Halteren Technologies announce MoA to pursue the design and manufacture of road wheel and support roller products for the North American marketplace
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Press release: Aurubis and COFICAB renew multi-year contract and strengthen partnership for sustainability in the automotive supply chain
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The Aid by Trade Foundation takes positive stock of the first Hamburg Sustainability Conference
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World Cotton Day: Cotton made in Africa Celebrates World’s Top Natural Textile Fibre on 7 October
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PM: DHL unterstützt Alexion bei nachhaltigem Transport von Pharmaprodukten in Irland und Europa / PR: DHL focuses on sustainable transportation of pharmaceutical products for Alexion in Ireland and Europe
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GEA and Believer Meats join forces to scale up cultivated meat production
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PtX Development and KGAL sign contract for large-scale hydrogen project in Germany
One documentmore Press release: Aurubis AG continues its strategic agenda and will increase its result in 2023/24 (Preliminary result/forecast)
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Press release: Aurubis celebrates ribbon-cutting at the first multimetal recycling plant in the United States
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Independent Auditors Attest to The Good Cashmere Standard High Effectiveness in Animal Welfare and Sustainability
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New GEA valve technology reduces microbiological risks
One documentmoreLAMILUX wins the PLUS X Award
One documentmorePress release: GEA successfully deploys CF 8000 decanter at European wheat starch processors
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Aid by Trade Foundation Joins International Alliance for Sustainable Cotton Production in Chad
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Press release: Aurubis opens innovative ASPA recycling plant in Belgium
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Press Release - hubergroup is Cradle to Cradle certified for the fourth time in a row
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Press release: Aurubis sells US flat rolled products site in Buffalo to the Wieland Group
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PM: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 beleuchtet neue Entwicklungen in Bereichen wie KI und Nachhaltigkeit / PR: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 unveils emerging AI trends and sustainable solutions
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AbTF Publishes Independent Verification Results for Cotton made in Africa’s Standards
One documentmore Press release: STADA continues strong growth journey in the first half of 2024
One documentmoreWHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Fan Reach and Sponsorship Value in Professional Women’s Football in Germany Could Triple By 2031, New WHU Delphi Study Finds
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GEA presents new thermoformer packaging machine at Fachpack
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