Stories about Umweltverschmutzung
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European Parliament improves rules on packaging recyclability but takes a risky bet on recycled plastic content
moreSHL Medical achieves EcoVadis® Silver Medal and sets ambitious science-based climate targets
moreHydrogen Near Tipping Point to Accelerate Decarbonization, New Research Shows
moreDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
‘Clear Direction for Climate Protection’ / DBU presents German Environmental Award
Lübeck/Osnabrück (ots) - The German Federal Environmental Foundation confers this year’s German Environmental Award today (Sunday) in Lübeck, worth a total of 500,000 euros – presented by German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to climate scientist Professor Friederike Otto and wood construction pioneer Dagmar Fritz-Kramer. Despite ongoing devastating ...
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PM: DHL Express und World Energy vereinbaren globale Partnerschaft zur Beschleunigung der Dekarbonisierung des Luftverkehrs durch Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificates / PR: DHL Express and World Energy agree to global partnership to speed up aviati
PR: ISCC, Neste and DHL Group pilot new system for credible reporting of emission reductions in air travel and transport
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Catalysing Change – Smart CO₂-Solutions Wanted for the “Best CO₂ Utilisation 2024” Innovation Award
One documentmore dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2dpa publishes first sustainability report - mobility biggest source of CO2
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A Broad Range of Advanced Recycling Technologies Keeps Carbon in the Loop
2 Documentsmore PM: DHL reduziert die CO2-Emissionen für Formel-1-Fracht um durchschnittlich 83 Prozent / PR: DHL reduces Formula 1® cargo carbon emissions by an average of 83%
moreFactsheets released on different project types in the carbon market
Joint press release by Oeko-Institut, CCQI and Foundation Development and Climate Alliance Berlin, 12 September 2023 Factsheets released on different project types in the carbon market To contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market need to be of high quality. ...
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PROVIDE Project Invites to Webinar on Overshooting 1.5 °C
moreTerre des Hommes Deutschland e.V.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child calls on states to take action in first guidance on children's rights and the environment, with a focus on climate change
GENEVA/NEW YORK (ots) - Today, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child published authoritative guidance to States on what they must do to uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. In the face of the ...
One documentmoreGreen Steel: RENK supplies special gearboxes for the production of “green steel”
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CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 – Call for Abstracts and Posters
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No Sustainable Future Without Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – Why We Need Much More Political Recognition and Support for CCU
One documentmore Yanfeng publishes its 2022 ESG Report / Continuous commitment for a sustainable future
Shanghai (ots) - Yanfeng, one of the world's leading automotive suppliers, today published its 2022 sustainability report which documents the company’s activities in all Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas that form part of its sustainability strategy. The report also reinforces Yanfeng’s support for the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global ...
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Press release - Capital Market Day 2023: Aurubis underscores leading role as the world’s most sustainable and efficient smelter network and sees great strategic growth potential in the North American market
One documentmore PM: DHL Global Forwarding kooperiert mit IAG Cargo, um Sustainable Aviation Fuel zu fördern / PR: DHL Global Forwarding Partners with IAG Cargo to Enable Sustainable Aviation Fuel
morePM: DHL unternimmt nächste Schritte in der grünen Logistik für die Formel 1® mit Einführung einer ersten Lkw-Flotte, die durch Biokraftstoff den CO2-Fußabdruck reduziert / PR: DHL takes green logistics to the next level with Formula 1® launching a
2 DocumentsmoreSummer Special 2023 – 20 % discount on market and trend reports all around renewable carbon until 31 August 2023
One documentmoreLAMILUX Composites joins the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact
One documentmoreFraport to Purchase More Wind Energy
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STIHL cuts carbon emissions and publishes 2022 Sustainability Report
moreGermany to Get Comprehensive Hydrogen Distribution Infrastructure
Berlin (ots) - The governing German cabinet has approved plans for to establish a core network to distribute hydrogen as an energy carrier throughout the country. The proposed legislation is part of Germany’s ambitious strategy to become CO2-neutral in years to come. Green hydrogen is an integrtal part of those plans. “Our goal is to rapidly scale up the hydrogen ...
moreAmbient ultrafine particles – very small and very dangerous?
A new study conducted by Helmholtz Munich researchers reveals that ultrafine particles, representing the smallest size fraction of particulate air pollution, might be more dangerous to human health than larger particles. These findings add to the growing body of evidence that it may be insufficient to focus on larger particle concentrations and gases when assessing public health risks. It was now published in the ...
moreBio-based content, compostable plastics, and chemical recycling – many opportunities for more innovation and sustainability in the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)
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PM: Digitale Plattform myDHLi von DGF hilft mittlerweile über 16.000 Kunden ihre Logistik auch in unsicheren Zeiten zu meistern / PR: Over 16,000 customers enabled to tackle uncertainties in logistics through DGF’s digital platform myDHLi
2 Documentsmore PM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product
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