Stories about Umwelt
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PR AbTF: Boosting Gender Justice | Study Shows Impact by Cotton made in Africa
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Press release: Largest planned maintenance shutdown at Aurubis Hamburg plant successfully concluded
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AbTF Expands to India Through Regenerative Cotton Standard
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GEA takes strides towards eco-friendly manufacturing at its sites in India
2 Documentsmore 39 European cleantech innovators, investors, industry associations, researchers and NGOs call for expanding EIB guarantees to unlock EU industrial competitiveness
39 European cleantech innovators, investors, industry associations, researchers and NGOs call for expanding EIB guarantees to unlock EU industrial ...
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PR | CmiA Joins WTO and FIFA in Supporting African Cotton Through Football
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Press release: More strategic metals for Europe: Aurubis commissions modernized tankhouse in Lünen
One documentmore Instone Group: Annual General Meeting approves dividend payout of EUR 0.33 per share; first project acquisitions in two years
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PM: Studie vor der Europawahl: 14 EU-Mitgliedstaaten unter den 20 globalisiertesten Ländern der Welt / PR: Ahead of the European elections: 14 EU member states rank among the 20 most globalized countries worldwide
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Koehler Paper premium recycled paper used in Stefan Szczesny’s “Sailing #Art4GlobalGoals” art project
One documentmore PM: DHL Supply Chain baut seine Kapazitäten mit weiterem Logistikzentrum am Multi-User Campus in Leipzig/ Halle aus / PR: DHL Supply Chain expands capacities with new logistics center at multi-user campus in Leipzig/ Halle
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Red Dot Design Award for LAMILUX Modular Glass Skylight MS78
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Press release: Aurubis invests in innovative system at the Lünen site for fully automated sample preparation
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GEA develops new modules for bakery ovens
One documentmore Press release: STADA reduces carbon emissions and increases its renewable energy supply on sustainability journey
STADA reduces carbon emissions and increases its renewable energy supply on sustainability journey - Total carbon emissions by STADA reduced by 25% between 2020 and 2023 - Around 45% of STADA’s electricity consumption now comes from renewable ...
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PM: Für mehr Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Effizienz: myDHLi trifft auf GenAI / PR: For increased usability and efficiency: myDHLi meets GenAI
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Exploring the Future of Advanced Recycling: Early Bird Tickets Now Available
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Enhancing Recycling Practices: Call for Abstracts – Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) 2024
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GEA begins construction of technology center for alternative proteins in the USA
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LAMILUX Continuous Rooflight B: Four new certifications
One documentmore Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3IMEX 2024: A trade fair presence packed with sustainable ideas
One documentmoreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Sustainability in Leipzig’s Conference Hotels
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PM: Auf dem Weg zu CO2-freiem Straßengütertransport: DHL Freight nimmt vollelektrische LKW von Mercedes-Benz Trucks in Betrieb / PR: En route to carbon-free road freight transport: DHL Freight introduces fully electric tractor-trailers from Mercedes-
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The Good Cashmere Standard Boosts Level of Animal Welfare and Transparency
One documentmore Press release: New Board member - Beate Flamm appointed as Chief Culture & Communication Officer at Progroup AG
One documentmoreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Congress Centres in Leipzig
One documentmorePM: DHL und Prada Group tragen mit Sustainable Aviation Fuel zu nachhaltigerem Luftfrachttransport bei / PR: DHL and Prada Group contribute to more sustainable air freight with SAF
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AIDA Cruises expands its cooperation with Kiel-based bicycle manufacturer my Boo
One documentmore Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Leipzig’s Team Spirit for Successful Conferences and Congresses
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