19.01.2022 – 13:41Aurubis AGPress release: Aurubis AG exceeds expectations for Q1 and increases full-year forecastOne documentmore
19.01.2022 – 13:04maribus gGmbHHope Spot Ocean? – combining conservation and sustainable use / The new World Ocean Review: Communicating the latest marine knowledge understandablymore
16.12.2021 – 11:30APK AGGrey was yesterday: APK AG presents fully decolourised plastic recyclates - Newcycling® of post-consumer waste proven successful on an industrial scalemore
13.12.2021 – 09:38Brenntag SEBrenntag invests in its Animal Nutrition production unit in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, PolandWebsite BrenntagOne documentmore
10.12.2021 – 11:08Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis AG and Wärme Hamburg GmbH to further expand Germany’s largest industrial heat systemOne documentmore
08.12.2021 – 10:29hubergroup Deutschland GmbH3Press Release - PrintCYC provides important input for design for recycling guidelinesMore about hubergroupOne documentmore
03.12.2021 – 07:15Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis: 2020/21 the most successful fiscal year in company history, dividend recommendation of € 1.60One documentmore
03.12.2021 – 07:12Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis: 2020/21 the most successful fiscal year in company history, dividend recommendation of € 1.602 Documentsmore
30.11.2021 – 12:59United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO2UNIDO Change of Management: DG Gerd Müller succeeds DG LI Yongmore
26.11.2021 – 15:47Aurubis AG3Press release: Aurubis and SMS to cooperate in construction of multimetal recycling plant in Georgia (US)One documentmore
16.11.2021 – 12:29Laverana GmbHDid you know? The 23 November is "Natural Cosmetics Day" / Let only nature on your skin! #natureonmyskinmore
19.10.2021 – 12:57hubergroup Deutschland GmbH3Press Release - Gecko Green Line Premium: hubergroup continues to advance the sustainability of its portfolioMore about hubergroupOne documentmore
11.10.2021 – 15:02Aurubis AG4Press release: Tomorrow Metals by Aurubis - Multimetal supplier stands for a strong commitment to sustainabilityOne documentmore
23.09.2021 – 11:04hubergroup Deutschland GmbH5Press Release: Fast, faster, RAPIDA ECOMore about hubergroupOne documentmore
07.09.2021 – 10:12Circular Valley8Circular Economy Accelerator's Demo Day and applications for the next cohortWatch the videomore
03.09.2021 – 12:13Aurubis AG3Press Release: Aurubis wins the Responsible Care Competition of the VCIOne documentmore
31.08.2021 – 10:33hubergroup Deutschland GmbH2Press Release: Sustainability with a system: hubergroup launches water-based ink mixing systemMore about hubergroupOne documentmore
26.08.2021 – 13:24Aurubis AG2Press Release: Aurubis and Nussir terminate memorandum of understanding regarding future concentrate supplyOne documentmore
19.08.2021 – 15:00Aurubis AG3Aurubis awarded platinum status for sustainability by EcoVadisOne documentmore
16.08.2021 – 04:10News DirectUNFCC Climate Report delivers a message of hope stating 1.5 is within reach if immediate action is takenmore
28.07.2021 – 09:43Aurubis AG4Press Release: ASPA: Aurubis introduces more efficient way of recyclingOne documentmore
26.07.2021 – 10:41CUSTOMCELLS®CUSTOMCELLS brings three new shareholders on board following funding roundmore
12.07.2021 – 14:15Fengdu Digital Media Center2Fengdu County begins a new chapter in sustainable developmentmore
24.06.2021 – 15:43Aurubis AG3Press Release: “Aurubis-1”: start of construction for largest in-house PV plant in BulgariaOne documentmore
31.05.2021 – 14:45Circular ValleyCircular Valley selects 15 start-ups from a field of international applicants for EU Green DealLearn moremore
31.05.2021 – 07:31Hellmann Worldwide LogisticsHellmann continues last year's successful business development in Q1 2021more
10.02.2020 – 10:42Deutsche HypothekenbankDeutsche Hypo: Press Statements for MIPIM 2020One documentmore