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  • 29.10.2013 – 15:58

    Rohde & Schwarz

    Rohde & Schwarz tops two billion euro mark in incoming orders

    Munich (ots) - Rohde & Schwarz can look back on an extremely successful 2012/2013 fiscal year (July to June). Incoming orders surpassed the two billion euro mark for the first time in the company's 80-year history. The company slightly improved its leading position in Europe, and achieved significant gains in Asia and the USA. All four Rohde & Schwarz business fields contributed to the successful results. Incoming ...

  • 23.05.2013 – 08:14


    Helaba gets off to a good start in 2013 financial year

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Operating revenues at previous year's level - Integration of S-Group Bank NRW making progress - Cautiously optimistic for 2013 financial year Helaba, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, achieved group-wide earnings before taxes of EUR 163 million in the first quarter of 2013, compared to EUR 220 million in the same period of the ...

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  • 18.04.2013 – 11:35

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    Balance sheet 2012: KfW IPEX-Bank holds steady course

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Increase in new commitments in original credit business to EUR 12.9 billion - Contribution to ensuring KfW's promotional capacity: Subsidiary KfW IPEX-Bank generates EUR 298 million of KfW's consolidated earnings - Operating income of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH of EUR 264 million at prior-year level - Bank anticipates new commitments in 2013 to match previous year's volume Today in Frankfurt am Main ...

  • 11.04.2013 – 14:55


    Helaba reports earnings of EUR 512 million, exceeding previous year's result

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Very stable development in customer business - Distribution to capital providers increases to 11 per cent - Successful start to S-Group business in North Rhine-Westphalia With group earnings before taxes of EUR 512 million, Helaba once again surpassed its previous best-ever ...

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  • 12.02.2013 – 12:59


    Berenberg continues expansion

    Hamburg (ots) - - Record net commission income: up 15.8% to EUR 206.4 million - Net profit for the year up 7.3% to EUR 60.2 million - Assets under management up 8.3% to EUR 28.2 billion - No. 3 for IPOs and capital increases in Germany/Austria/Switzerland - Office opened in New York "The banking sector faces a multitude of challenges in 2013," says Dr. Hans-Walter Peters, spokesman of the managing partners at Berenberg. "More than ever, it is essential for banks to offer ...

  • 11.09.2012 – 12:00


    STIHL profits from major investments in new products

    Waiblingen (ots) - In the first eight months of this year the STIHL Group achieved a turnover of EUR 1,968 million, which represents growth of 7.9 percent (4.5 percent had currency exchange rates remained unchanged). "In spite of the weakening world economy, uncertainty caused by the eurozone debt crisis and unfavorable weather conditions, we have recorded satisfactory growth this year. In the past few years we invested ...

  • 09.08.2012 – 11:10

    Audi AG

    AUDI AG: continuing growth in Europe too

    Ingolstadt (ots) - - Deliveries worldwide reach around 119,600 in July - up 12.9 percent - Audi boss Stadler: "We expect extra lift from new A3" - United States powerhouse of growth with 28 percent gain AUDI AG carried over the double-digit growth of the first half of 2012 into July, when the Company delivered some 119,600 automobiles worldwide, an increase of 12.9 percent. This strongest-ever July performance was boosted ...

  • 31.07.2012 – 10:10

    Audi AG

    Audi Group generates first-half operating profit of E2.9 billion

    Ingolstadt (ots) - - Deliveries target of more than 1.4 million for 2012 confirmed - CFO Axel Strotbek: "The high demand in the first half is a testament to the success of our model strategy." - New Audi A3 at dealers from end of August E25.0 billion revenue, an operating profit of E2.9 billion, and an 11.5 percent operating return on sales. These figures demonstrate how the Audi Group succeeded in adding yet another ...

  • 24.05.2012 – 08:18


    Helaba's results reflect sound development in first quarter

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Group pre-tax profit increases by around 13 per cent - Quarterly result determined by conservative valuation methods - Cautiously optimistic outlook Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen has posted a first-quarter Group net profit before taxes of EUR 220 million, which equates to an increase on the previous year of around 13 per ...

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  • 10.05.2012 – 11:20

    Heraeus Holding GmbH

    Heraeus continues on record course in 2011

    Hanau (ots) - - Product revenue up 19 percent in 2011 to EUR 4.8 billion - EBIT rises 23 percent to EUR 489 million in 2011 - Net income increases to EUR 315 million - Cash and cash equivalents and securities jump to EUR 834 million - Good start to first quarter of 2012 The Hanau-based Heraeus precious metals and technology Group in 2011 once again surpassed the previous year's record results, tallying the most successful ...