Stories about Genetik
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Swiss Start-Up “Mirai Foods” produces first cultivated tender steak / Breakthrough for Cultivated Premium Beef Steaks
Zurich (ots) - - Three patents for key technologies in “cultivated meat” - Food producer Angst AG takes stake in company - Innovative bioreactor improves efficiency and reduces costs A real new meat experience without sacrifice: Swiss start-up Mirai Foods achieves technological breakthrough for the cultivation ...
moreVectorBuilder vann första pris i stor innovationstävling
Chicago, IL (ots) - --News Direct-- VectorBuilder Inc. - en global ledare inom genleveransteknik - meddelade att deras FoU- och tillverkningscenter i Guangzhou vann mästerskapet i sjunde globala tävlingen i innovation och företagande, som hölls i "Chuangke" Hangzhou, Kina. Denna inflytelserika och mycket konkurrensdrivna tävling är en av de största i Kina och täcker företag i tillväxtstadiet inom alla ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness?
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22778 - email: - web: This text on the web: Picture: NEWS RELEASE Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness? Size of fat cells can cause ...
moreVectorBuilder Won First Prize in Major Innovation Competition
Chicago, IL (ots) - --News Direct-- VectorBuilder Inc. – a global leader in gene delivery technologies – announced that its R&D and manufacturing center in Guangzhou won championship in the 7th “Chuangke Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Competition” held in Hangzhou, China. This influential and highly competitive contest is one of the largest in China, covering growth-stage enterprises across all high-tech ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Nanoswitches for tumor targeting
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: Video: NEWS RELEASE Nanoswitches for tumor targeting TUM spin-off Plectonic develops antibody-based immunotherapies Plectonic Biotech, a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), has developed a nanoswitch that binds immune cells to tumor cells. The goal is to facilitate the development of ...
Flu tests from R-Biopharm also detect new virus variants
moreTechnische Universität München
Molecular monitoring of RNA regulation
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10808 - email: - web: This text on the web: Pictures: NEWS RELEASE Molecular monitoring of RNA regulation New biological tool for tracking cellular processes The better we ...
moreStem cell therapy for “Butterfly disease” / RHEACELL receives ‘Partners in Progress Award’ from debra of America for Epidermolysis Bullosa research
moreTechnische Universität München
Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes: Synthetic peptides may suppress formation of harmful amyloid aggregates
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22779 - email: - web: Image download: NEWS RELEASE Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes: Synthetic peptides may suppress formation of harmful amyloid ...
moreVectorBuilder Raised $57 Million for Gene Delivery R&D
moreVectorBuilder raised $57 million for gene delivery R&D
Type 1 diabetes: New findings on the development of the autoimmune disease in children
morebenfovir AG has reached another milestone by completing the first part of the Phase 1 trial testing transketolase inhibitor / benfo-oxythiamine (B-OT)
Darmstadt (ots) - benfovir AG, a German pharmaceutical company focused on developing small molecules against viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2, dengue and herpes virus, today announced that the first part of the Phase 1 clinical trial (BV-01-101/ EudraCT Number: 2021-005616-60.) designed to evaluate the safety, ...
moreLandscape of molecular contacts: How the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 communicates with human cells
moreTechnische Universität München
More wheat for global food security: Utilizing substantial genetic potential for higher yields
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution image: NEWS RELEASE More wheat for global food ...
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Vitamin K prevents cell death: a new function for a long-known molecule
more Technische Universität München
Viruses help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria - Cell-free production of bacteriophages
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Viruses help combat ...
R-Biopharm starts commercialization of the fully automated RIDA®UNITY system for real-time PCR in molecular diagnostic laboratories
morebenfovir Announces First Subjects Dosed in Phase 1 Clinical Trial of B-OT/ B-OT IS BEING DEVELOPED FOR THE TREATMENT OF VIRAL INFECTIONS
Darmstadt (ots) - benfovir AG has reached another major milestone by moving its first compound into clinical development with the start of a Phase 1 testing B-OT in healthy volunteers. benfovir AG, a German pharmaceutical biotechnology company focused on developing small molecules against viral infection such as ...
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R-Biopharm acquires Australian lab equipment manufacturer and molecular biology multiplex specialist AusDiagnostics
more R-Biopharm announces test to detect monkeypox virus
moreTechnische Universität München
Same symptom – different cause? Algorithms help to distinguish diseases at the molecular level
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Same symptom – different cause? Algorithms help to distinguish diseases at the ...
moreTechnische Universität München
A repair program for the heart
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22731 - email: - web: This text on the web: Images: NEWS RELEASE A repair program for the heart Cardiac progenitor cells generate healthy tissue after a heart attack Following a heart attack, the human body is incapable of repairing lost tissue due to the heart’s ...
Innovation and Start-Up Center for Biotechnology (IZB) welcomes new start-up Origin.Bio
One documentmoreTechnische Universität München
Basis for next-gen bioprocesses: “New” organism being prepared for biotechnology applications
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE Basis for next-gen bioprocesses “New” organism being prepared for biotechnology applications Succinic acid is an important precursor for pharmaceutical and cosmetic ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Phosphate nutrition of plants through symbiosis with fungi
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Phosphate nutrition of plants through symbiosis with fungi Root symbiosis is regulated through nutrient status of plants Phosphorus is one of the most important nutrients ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Overcoming resistance of pancreatic cancer to immunotherapies
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE “Inflaming” cold tumors Overcoming resistance of pancreatic cancer to immunotherapies Pancreatic carcinoma is a ...
moreUniversity of Chicago Clinical Trial Utilizes Sysmex Inostics Highly Effective HPV-SEQ Test to Measure HPV-DNA from Blood of Neck and Throat Cancer Patients
Baltimore, MD (ots) - Sysmex Inostics, a global leader in the liquid biopsy revolution for oncology, announces the use of their HPV-SEQ test in the prospective University of Chicago clinical trial,1 “Pilot Study of Chemotherapy for HPV-Associated Oropharyngeal Cancer.” “The ability to reliably detect HPV-DNA ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Feeling the heat: Steroid hormones contribute to the heat stress resistance of plants
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE How plants respond to heat stress Feeling the heat: Steroid hormones contribute to the heat stress resistance of ...