Stories about Genetik

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  • 29.11.2022 – 13:32

    News Direct

    VectorBuilder vann första pris i stor innovationstävling

    Chicago, IL (ots) - --News Direct-- VectorBuilder Inc. - en global ledare inom genleveransteknik - meddelade att deras FoU- och tillverkningscenter i Guangzhou vann mästerskapet i sjunde globala tävlingen i innovation och företagande, som hölls i "Chuangke" Hangzhou, Kina. Denna inflytelserika och mycket konkurrensdrivna tävling är en av de största i Kina och täcker företag i tillväxtstadiet inom alla ...

  • 29.11.2022 – 12:56

    Technische Universität München

    Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness?

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22778 - email: - web: This text on the web: Picture: NEWS RELEASE Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness? Size of fat cells can cause ...

  • 29.11.2022 – 09:01

    News Direct

    VectorBuilder Won First Prize in Major Innovation Competition

    Chicago, IL (ots) - --News Direct-- VectorBuilder Inc. – a global leader in gene delivery technologies – announced that its R&D and manufacturing center in Guangzhou won championship in the 7th “Chuangke Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Competition” held in Hangzhou, China. This influential and highly competitive contest is one of the largest in China, covering growth-stage enterprises across all high-tech ...

  • 28.11.2022 – 15:45

    Technische Universität München

    Nanoswitches for tumor targeting

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: Video: NEWS RELEASE Nanoswitches for tumor targeting TUM spin-off Plectonic develops antibody-based immunotherapies Plectonic Biotech, a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), has developed a nanoswitch that binds immune cells to tumor cells. The goal is to facilitate the development of ...