Stories about Ethik
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Press release: EcoVadis ranks Aurubis among the top one percent in its sector again
One documentmoreGerresheimer awarded EcoVadis Gold status again
Duesseldorf (ots) - - Gerresheimer among the top 5% of assessed businesses - Total score increases to 72/100 points - Status demonstrates consistent implementation of CSR strategy Gerresheimer, an innovative provider of systems and solutions and a global partner for the pharma, biotech, and cosmetic industries, has once again been awarded Gold status by the ratings agency EcoVadis. EcoVadis assesses the performance of ...
moreWestlands Advisory’s ‘Industrial Cybersecurity Outlook 2023-2030’ Hails TXOne Networks’ Solution for IT/OT Network Protection / Report rates TXOne Networks highest for strategic direction, singling out company’s Cyber-Physical System Detect
moreEuropeans demand resolute action to counter internet disinformation
Gütersloh (ots) - More than half the EU population doubts the veracity of information on the web. Recognizing fake content and actively countering it comes more easily to those who are young and educated. Almost nine out of every 10 Europeans believe that tech companies, as well as government, should be held responsible. The population in the EU expects greater efforts in the battle against the deliberate dissemination ...
moreResearch Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)
Digital-Intensive Industries Not Always More Resilient
Press Release Data Analysis Digital-Intensive Industries Not Always More Resilient It is widely assumed that digitalisation improves the capacity of companies and sectors to cope with crises. But is it the case that digital intensive sectors proved more resilient during the Covid-19 crisis? Researchers from the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) investigated this by analysing data relating to various ...
Unique integration of next-generation whistleblowing platform SpeakUp® in CRISAM® GRC platform
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2Financial results 2022: dpa group remains on a growth path
moreTechnische Universität München
Robotics and AI at the automatica: practical insights into leading-edge research
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Bavarian Science Minister Markus Blume opens munich_i Robotics and AI: practical insights into leading-edge research - More than 30 new demonstrations on view at the AI.Society exhibition - Leading experts in robotics and AI to meet at the Hightech Summit. - Third Robothon prize for talented young robotics researchers to be ...
moreebp Global acquires Sustaina Company
moreAmazon akzeptiert die Forderungen der Aktivist:innen von Berlin vs. Amazon
15. Juni - Berlin: "Berlin Versus Amazon", ein Bündnis von aktivistischen Gruppen in der deutschen Hauptstadt, freuen sich über die unerwartete Entscheidung von Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos, ihre "14 Forderungen für Arbeiter:innen, Menschen und den Planeten" zu akzeptieren. Die ...
moreEXCLUSIVE: Kevin Spacey Gives First Interview Since Scandal
Hamburg (ots) - Actor Kevin Spacey, 63, says he hopes to make a comeback following his trial over alleged sexual offenses in London, which begins on June 28. "I know that there are people right now who are ready to hire me the moment I am cleared of these charges in London. The second that happens, they're ready to move forward," Spacey told ZEITmagazin. The two-time Oscar winner spoke with ZEITmagazin for the first time ...
Textiles Industry: TÜV Rheinland and BluWin to sign MOU
moreJoint Statement: health organisations define EHDS’ opt-out required for life-saving research
One documentmoreFostering togetherness through corporate wear
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PM: „Get Airports Ready for Disaster“-Programm in Sarajevo / PR: Get Airports Ready for Disaster Program held in Sarajevo
2 Documentsmore Mark Fenwick Management - London
A statement from Roger Waters on the controversy over his Berlin Concert
Frankfurt (ots) - “My recent performance in Berlin has attracted bad faith attacks from those who want to smear and silence me because they disagree with my political views and moral principles. The elements of my performance that have been questioned are quite clearly a statement in opposition to fascism, injustice, and bigotry in all its forms. Attempts to portray ...
moreAnyDesk Fights Back Against Fraud / AnyDesk uses external support to prevent fraud proactively
Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie SIT
AI against money laundering
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Yanis Varoufakis and MERA25 Bremen’s Jan Genin talk international solidarity at event in German city
One documentmore DiEM25 launches campaign to prevent Jeremy Corbyn’s strategic bankruptcy
One documentmoreSheikh Al Jaber announces a claim for damages in excess of 1 billion euros against Lufthansa Group as the owner of Austrian Airlines (AUA)
New York (ots) - Saudi-Austrian entrepreneur draws conclusions from the judgment of the Vienna Commercial Court in his favour after a long legal dispute with AUA The verdict of the Vienna Commercial Court of March 31, 2023, has vindicated the position of the Austro-Arab entrepreneur Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber in the ...
moreBest Lawyers 2023: Marc Klaas and MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte make the grade
Cologne (ots) - MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte and Marc Klaas have been singled out for recognition this year by Best Lawyers. The renowned U.S. publishing company releases an annual list of the top lawyers and law firms in Germany. This year’s 2023 edition features both MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte and Marc Klaas, whose practice covers a number of areas, including corporate ...
moreWHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
A Change in the Dean’s Office at WHU
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PM: Großer Erfolg für die erste europäische Ausgabe des World Happiness Summit® (WOHASU®) / PR: Great success for the first European edition of the World Happiness Summit® (WOHASU®)
more Onward Security becomes part of the DEKRA family in the APAC region / DEKRA strengthens Cybersecurity Business
moreMark Fenwick Management - London
Roger Waters: We are on the road to Frankfurt / Concert in Frankfurt to be secured by interim injunction
London (ots) - Roger Waters has noted with pleasure the decision of the Munich City Council that his 21.05.2023 concert in the Olympiahalle Munich will take place as planned: "I am very happy to be able to perform in Munich for my fans. A ban on my concert would have been illegal. The City of Munich’s decision is ...
moreMark Fenwick Management - London
Roger Waters: Antisemitism is odious, and I condemn it
London (ots) - Statement by Roger Waters on antisemitism, his criticism of the Israeli government and freedom of speech Statement by Mr George Roger Waters dated 16.03.2023: “My lawyers are taking steps to ensure that my concerts in Munich and Frankfurt in May 2023 take place as contracted. Human rights and freedom of speech for all peoples under German law must prevail, which is why I’m taking this stance to ensure ...
moreNAIMA Strategic Legal Services GmbH
Legal opinion criticizes Russia-related EU sanctions / Do EU sanctions go too far?
moreBlood Donation Day at R-Biopharm: Employees Help Save Lives