Stories about Energie
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Disruption on Two Wheels - eROCKIT Roadshow Sparks Pure Excitement on the Island of Sylt
more Press release: Aurubis and Talga partner to develop first-of-its-kind process for battery-grade recycled graphite
One documentmoreKoehler Group Commits to a Sustainable Future: Expansion of Renewable Energies in Scotland
moreObrist Group has passed triple due diligence
Obrist Group has passed triple due diligence - Frank Obrist's vision of green methanol as a universal source of energy for the world stands up to scrutiny by the engineering and consulting firm ILF Consulting Engineers, the patent and law firm ETL-IP and the auditing firm BDO. - Frank Obrist: “This paves the way for investors, as the large-scale conversion to renewable energies will only succeed if it is based on ...
moreA Future Without Fossil Fuels Is Within Reach - Koehler Group Publishes Third Sustainability Report
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Press Release - hubergroup is Cradle to Cradle certified for the fourth time in a row
One documentmore PCC BakkiSilicon hf. receives ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification for critical raw material silicon / PCC subsidiary becomes first silicon producer to receive ISCC certification for carbon footprint
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PM: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 beleuchtet neue Entwicklungen in Bereichen wie KI und Nachhaltigkeit / PR: DHL Logistics Trend Radar 7.0 unveils emerging AI trends and sustainable solutions
2 Documentsmore Koehler Group hits high revenue levels in 2023 financial year despite tough market conditions
moreBrose is one of the pioneers of sustainable transformation
moreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6The Future of Music Festivals – Leipzig’s Positive Steps
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Advanced Recycling Conference 2024: New Focus Areas and Innovative Program Announced
One documentmore European debut: Yanfeng presents innovative interior concept EVI for electric vehicles
moreLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
LONGi appoints Ross Kent as UK and Ireland General Manager for DG business
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CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025 – Call for Abstracts and Posters
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New corrugated sheetfeeder plant in Petersberg starts production
OCI Global Announces Agreement for the Sale of its Clean Ammonia Project in Beaumont, Texas to Woodside Energy
Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) - - OCI Global ("OCI") has entered into a binding equity purchase agreement for the sale of 100% of its equity interests in OCI's 1.1 million metric tonnes Clean Ammonia project under construction in Beaumont, Texas ("OCI Clean Ammonia" or the "Project"), (the "Transaction") to Woodside ...
moreZollikofer Expands into France
moreLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
Solar Partners Aid Newborns and Mothers in Africa with Solar-Powered Freshwater Solution
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PM: DHL verlängert Partnerschaft mit Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG bis 2053 / PR: DHL extends partnership with Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG until 2053
more Austrian Innerio Group acquires automotive supplier ESTRA Europe
Kottingbrunn, Austria (ots) - - Expansion of expertise, competences, product and customer portfolio in line with growth strategy The Austrian automotive supplier Innerio, based in Kottingbrunn, Lower Austria, is acquiring the automotive supplier ESTRA Europe from the Chinese technology group Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical as part of a share deal.ESTRA Europe generates an annual turnover of around 160 ...
moreMasdar, the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company
Masdar Partners with Endesa in €1.7 Billion Renewable Energy Transaction in Spain
Abu Dhabi, Uae and Madrid (ots/PRNewswire) - - The transaction would see Masdar become a partner for 2.5 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy assets in Spain, subject to regulatory approvals and other conditions - Masdar will invest €817m to acquire a 49.99% stake in 2GW of solar energy plants, with a potential BESS hybridization for up to 0.5 GW - Masdar has also ...
Politics Meets Industry: Member of the German Bundestag, Dr. Stefan Kaufmann (CDU), visits the Koehler Paper site in Kehl
moreObrist invents 'Champagne Engine': A Two-Stroker with Smoother Operation Than a Twelve-Cylinder
moreFraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
Life cycle assessment for energy-efficient and climate-friendly optics production
morePress release: Enduring commitment - Progroup publishes Sustainability Report 2023
moreAVAS from Brose: driving noise for more safety
morePM: DHL und Envision treiben gemeinsam nachhaltige Logistik- und Energieinnovationen voran / PR: DHL and Envision team up for sustainable innovations in logistics and energy