Stories about Banken

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  • 23.02.2010 – 07:30

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank Group posts solid results for the 2009 financial year

    Wiesbaden (ots) - - Profit before taxes of EUR 86 million for the full year 2009 - 23 million for the fourth quarter - Allowance for credit losses of EUR 150 million, in line with projections - Tier 1 ratio of 11.0% pursuant to the Credit Risk Standard Approach (CRSA) - Initial partial ...

    One document
  • 14.12.2009 – 12:00

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank launches new financing product for small export transactions

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Range of financing products broadened in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises KfW IPEX-Bank will now also be able to offer long-term financing for small export transactions. For this purpose it will be using an instrument of Northstar Trade Finance which is being introduced into the German market for the first time. The ...

  • 23.07.2009 – 12:30

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances Guanyin Wind Farm in Taiwan

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH finances almost EUR 60 million for the construction of the Guanyin Wind Farm on the Taiwanese coast around 60 km west of Taipei. The relevant agreements were signed on Wednesday. The total investment sum is approx. EUR 65 million. The initiators of the project are the German enterprises VWind AG and wpd AG, which have already realised three similar projects with KfW IPEX-Bank ...

  • 30.05.2003 – 11:58

    Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft

    Commerzbank's AGM / "We will achieve a turnaround in 2003"

    Frankfurt (ots) - At his bank's AGM in the Frankfurt Festhalle on May 30, Klaus-Peter Müller, chairman of Commerzbank's board of managing directors, was confident that the bank can be put back on a successful course this year. "We look upon the proposed dividend payment of 10 cents per share as a demonstration of our confidence that we can achieve a turnaround in 2003", said Mr. Müller to the 3,000 shareholders ...

  • 20.05.2003 – 17:16

    Kommunalkredit Austria AG

    Kommunalkredit issues Aaa bonds

    Vienna (ots) - Kommunalkredit Austria, the specialist bank for public finance, has become the first bank in Austria to receive a Moody's triple A rating for its bonds. Kommunalkredit's Managing Director Dr. Reinhard Platzer said: "We attribute this Aaa rating to a number of structural measures which have given us a new instrument for the international capital market and to our excellent positioning in the market." Kommunalkredit Covered Bonds are secured with a cover ...