Stories from ... München
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canSERV invites applications for "Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care"
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canSERV invites applications for "Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care"
One documentmore Technische Universität München
Multi-purpose mucus - What mucins can do in medicine
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE What mucins can do in medicine Multi-purpose mucus They are in our eyes, on our tongues, and in our stomachs: Protective layers of mucus, a slime consisting primarily of mucins. These are molecules which bind water to form a natural lubricant. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) use them to develop coatings for contact lenses and intubation tubes, healing ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Risk perception influenced less by media than previously thought
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE People don’t overestimate the frequency of dramatic causes of death Risk perception influenced less by media than previously thought For decades, researchers have assumed that people overestimate the risk of dramatic causes of death, such as road traffic accidents. The reason given for this was that such deaths are the subject of far greater media attention than more ...
moreTechnische Universität München
GARMI care robot becomes a universal assistant
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE From skill sets to an overall concept GARMI care robot becomes a universal assistant - At the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024) in Yokohama, Japan, geriatronics researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will present four new research projects - including work on gripping objects and new safety functionalities. - For the first time, ...
LAST CHANCE: canSERV Second Open Call for Cancer Research Service Provision
One documentmoreTechnische Universität München
Climate change threatens Mountain Meadows | Global warming leads to declining humus
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Global warming leads to declining humus Climate change threatens Mountain Meadows - Climate change has a negative impact on humus content, soil structure and nitrogen storage - Organic fertilization with liquid manure can partially compensate for the effect - Size of soil clods can be an early warning sign of soil ...
moreTechnische Universität München
TUM professor uses ChatGPT for choreographies with flying robots
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Combining robotics and ChatGPT TUM professor uses ChatGPT for choreographies with flying robots - Prof. Angela Schoellig has proved that large language models can be used safely in robotics. - ChatGPT develops choreographies for up to nine flying robots performing to selected music. - An additional algorithm guarantees that the drones will fly safely. Prof. Angela Schoellig ...
moreMediawan announces combination with LEONINE, one of the largest independent studios in the German-speaking market
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canSERV Initiative: EU Consortium Launches Groundbreaking Call to Accelerate Cancer Research
One documentmore Technische Universität München
Siemens opens its largest cooperation center worldwide at TUM
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE New Siemens Technology Center at TUM Campus Garching Siemens opens its largest cooperation center worldwide at TUM - Siemens Technology Center to be part of TUM’s Industry on Campus strategy. - TUM president Thomas Hofmann hails first-class infrastructure and innovative workspaces at the STC. - Research to focus on ...
Technische Universität München
Boron deficiency: oilseed rape reacts as with infection and pest infestation | Genetic mechanisms uncovered
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Genetic mechanisms uncovered Boron deficiency: oilseed rape reacts as with infection and pest infestation - Oilseed rape reacts to boron deficiency during flowering in a similar way as to pests and infections - Boron deficiency could become an increasing problem due to ...
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Press Invitation: Green hydrogen, power generation and the HYFLEXPOWER project - Brussels, 19 March
more iMEDCAP: EU-Projekt leistet Pionierarbeit bei der Rettung verwundeter Soldaten
moreiMEDCAP: European project to pioneer the rescue of wounded soldiers from inaccessible areas
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OPTIMA cancer project announces the Region Uppsala as new partner
more Technische Universität München
TUM wins Indy Autonomous Challenge
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Racing car with artificial intelligence wins in Las Vegas TUM wins again at the Indy Autonomous Challenge in the USA - Race victory at the CES electronics trade fair - Findings contribute to the development of autonomous cars - Upcoming races will take place in Monza and Abu Dhabi Victory in Las Vegas for the TUM Autonomous Motorsport Team! Once again, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has proven that autonomous driving can ...
Technische Universität München
Prof. Pfleiderer new scientific director of the FRM II
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Change at the top of the TUM Research Neutron Source Prof. Pfleiderer new scientific director of the FRM II • Experimental physicist with an international reputation • Manager with scientific vision and diplomatic skills • FRM II as a service provider for researchers in Germany and abroad The Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source (FRM II) is getting a new ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Agricultural Policy: Decoupled direct payments make agriculture more productive
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Analysis of subsidies in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy Decoupled direct payments make agriculture more productive - Farmers adapt successfully to market developments with decoupling. - Despite higher productivity, there is no increase in the environmental impact. - Decoupling might be a way to meeting the growing ...
morecanSERV Open Call Education Webinar, 1 Dec 2023 - 14:15 CET
One documentmoreTechnische Universität München
E-tractors: New modular development kit for
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Research on the electrification of agricultural machinery New modular development kit for e-tractors - TUM presents modular electric tractor kit at Agritechnica - Modular format for various uses - Replaceable battery can also be used in the field and barnyard to store electricity The special requirements placed on trucks and agricultural machinery often make it difficult for ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Start-up dedicated to developing new antibiotics
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Smartbax nominated for Falling Walls award Start-up dedicated to developing new antibiotics • New approach against resistant pathogens • Agent damages protein transport and energy balance of bacteria • Two TUM spin-offs nominated for Science Breakthrough of the Year at Falling Walls Summit It all began with basic research: While conducting laboratory experiments, a team ...
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PIONEER+ becomes Big Data Platform for Prostate Cancer of the EAU's UroEvidenceHub
Technische Universität München
Sustainability Awards of the Nobel Sustainability Trust and TUM presented for the first time
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Research on energy and climate change economy honored First Sustainability Awards supported by the Nobel Sustainability Trust presented - Sustainability award jointly with TUM - First prize winners are Elena Bou and Lord Nicholas Stern - Up to 1.3 million Swedish kronor awarded annualy For the first time, the Nobel ...
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New Security Project AGILE Will Improve Disaster Risk Management
more Technische Universität München
Climate research: How the Greenland ice sheet can still be saved
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Climate research: New findings on temperature tipping points How the Greenland ice sheet can be saved Climate researchers around the world are sounding the alarm about exceeding critical temperature values on the Earth. If temperatures pass what are called tipping points, the results could be catastrophic. An international ...
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EU Provides 1 Mio. to Researchers to Advance Personalised Oncology
One documentmore canSERV Releases Open Call for Transnational Service Provision
One documentmoreTechnische Universität München
Minimizing antibiotics usage: “The key starting point is animal health”
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Interview with Prof. Julia Steinhoff-Wagner on antibiotic resistance “The key starting point is animal health” - New research project at TUM addresses the minimization of antibiotics in poultry farming - Healthy animals are the most important precondition for reducing the administration of antibiotics - Transfer of ...