Stories from Hamburg
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Press Release: Aurubis wins the Responsible Care Competition of the VCI
One documentmore dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
News offerings for Generation Z: #UseTheNews playbook published by dpa, BDZV, and HAW Hamburg
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Press Release: Aurubis and Nussir terminate memorandum of understanding regarding future concentrate supply
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Aurubis awarded platinum status for sustainability by EcoVadis
One documentmore BLOGPOST: 4 basic tips for increasing your LinkedIn reach
Partial sale of flat rolled products segment: Additional purchase price information
One documentmorePartial sale of flat rolled products segment: Aurubis signs term sheet with INTEK Holding
One documentmorePress Release: Nine-month report: Aurubis generates excellent result
2 DocumentsmorePress Release: Nine-month report: Aurubis generates excellent result
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"Stones of Beirut": TERRITORY launches a cross-media donation campaign to mark the anniversary of the Beirut explosion
more Breuninger expands its presence to Hamburg / Grand opening 2023 in Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier district
seca and Imprivata focus on more security and standardization in user authentication
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Press Release: ASPA: Aurubis introduces more efficient way of recycling
One documentmore BLOGPOST: Data Visualisation: When the numbers speak for themselves
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Changes on the dpa supervisory board
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Despite coronavirus crisis: dpa slightly increases revenue and profit
moreBLOGPOST: Do you speak international?
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Press Release: “Aurubis-1”: start of construction for largest in-house PV plant in Bulgaria
One documentmore German LNG Terminal to submit application for planning permission by 30 June 2021
moreEU Commission approves exemption decision for German LNG Terminal GmbH
Brunsbüttel / Hamburg (ots) - The European Commission has approved the exemption decision for German LNG Terminal GmbH. The decision relates to the requested annual throughput capacity of 8 billion cubic metres per annum on a long-term basis from the date of the terminal's commercial launch. Rolf Brouwer, Managing Director of German LNG Terminal, welcomes the European ...
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Press release: Aurubis: First copper anodes produced with hydrogen
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BLOGPOST: Loneliness working from home: How the pandemic has changed communication
more Sustainable success in the first fiscal half-year: Aurubis achieves significantly higher result
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SCHLUMBOHM Medizin-Labor-Technologie GmbH
2Worldwide sales of the new steam sterilizers and washer disinfectors from SCHLUMBOHM Medizin-Labor-Technologie GmbH to clinics, doctor's offices and laboratories.
moreAll under one roof: Tom Tailor integrates kidswear business as in-house division
Hamburg (ots) - Tom Tailor today announced that, starting with the spring/summer 2022 collections, it will bring back again its kidswear business as in-house division. Tom Tailor originally launched its kidswear business in 1989 and licensed it out in 2017. This license was signed with the Junior Fashion ...
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Monthly Motivation: Humour as a survival advantage
more dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
#UseTheNews study: Young people often feel that journalistic news lacks a connection to the reality of their own lives
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BLOGPOST: Media Landscape Asia: Between Tradition and Modernity