Stories from Hamburg
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Press Release: Update on cyber attack at Aurubis
One documentmoredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
4Inspiration, role model, getting to have a say: What makes influencers so successful among young people - and what journalism can learn from them
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Fact-checkers in Germany and Austria launch alliance against disinformation
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Press Release: Decarbonizing production: Aurubis begins test series for the use of blue ammonia in copper rod production
2 Documentsmore German LNG Terminal achieves key milestones in the development of the Brunsbüttel LNG import terminal
Brunsbüttel / Hamburg (ots) - German LNG Terminal GmbH (GLNG) has achieved key milestones in the development of the onshore LNG import terminal in Brunsbüttel, Germany. The terminal will make a major contribution to diversifying energy imports to Germany and Europe. GLNG has executed the Engineering Procurement ...
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Press Release / Changes in the Aurubis Executive Board
One documentmore MEYLE engineers solve Tesla’s squeaking problem / Hamburg engineers solve Tesla’s squeaking problem and develop technically enhanced control arm for Tesla 3 and Tesla Y
moreLargest International Climate Platform of foundations and philanthropic organisations presents new report on renewable energy potential of the G20
With wind and solar as the two primary sources of renewable energy, the Foundations Platform F20 today calls upon the G20 Heads of State to agree upon an ...
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Press release: Nine-month report: Aurubis AG continues with positive development and confirms forecast for year as a whole
2 Documentsmore Press release: Aurubis completes sale of four flat rolled products sites to KME
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Press release: Aurubis signs renewable power deal with green energy producer Eneco and lives up to industry leadership in sustainability
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Press release: Aurubis plants in Hamburg and Lünen receive internationally recognized Copper Mark quality seal
One documentmore Körber acquires enVista’s omnichannel and global freight audit and payment services
Hamburg (ots) - Körber, an international technology group, has signed an agreement to purchase enVista’s platform of Enspire Commerce™ omnichannel solutions, including its order management system (OMS), and its freight audit and payment (FAP) service. enVista’s capabilities expand Körber’s portfolio to enable businesses to deliver upon ever-increasing ...
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Press Release: One year after the flood: Aurubis Stolberg faces the future with renewed strength
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Press release: Maintenance shutdown at Aurubis plant in Hamburg completed successfully
One documentmore dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Herbert Dachs and Frank Mahlberg are new members of the dpa Supervisory Board
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2dpa group continues on growth path / New newsroom for central editorial office in the coming year
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Press release: Aurubis AG starts construction of a € 300 million (approx. $ 320 million) multimetal recycling plant in Augusta, Georgia
3 Documentsmore Kudona: Modern saving – how can interest still be earned today?
Vilnius / Hamburg (ots) - For some time now, savers in Europe have had a common adversary: the base rate policy of the ECB. When interest rates are low – and at the moment it’s at zero percent – the banks borrow a lot of money. This leads to more money being in circulation overall – and causes a high inflation rate. This gnaws away at the purchasing power of private citizens and companies and makes obsolete the ...
moreHigher interest rates to counter inflation: DeFi-FinTech Kudona develops digital savings book
Vilnius/Hamburg (ots) - +++ 3.8 percent interest with the latest crypto technology +++ Insurance for customers’ money which is unique worldwide +++ Savings earn interest every day and can be withdrawn at any time +++ Offer available for private and business customers throughout Europe With a free savings app with a web application, the Lithuanian FinTech company ...
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Press release: Aurubis AG lifts full-year forecast: increased operating result in the first half of the year
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Press release: Investment in the future: major planned maintenance shutdown at Aurubis' plant in Hamburg
One documentmore Scope Hamburg upgrades the issue rating of Solar Chest SA for the Fixed Rate Secured Notes to A- / stable from BBB+ / stable
Hamburg (ots) - Scope Hamburg upgrades the issue rating of Solar Chest SA for the Fixed Rate Secured Notes with a total issue volume of EUR 275 million to A- / stable from BBB+ / stable. The repayment of the last tranche of the Notes (EUR 100 million) and the related interest costs are expected on 30 June 2022. ...
Scope Hamburg affirms the A- / stable rating of Elia Group SA / NV.
Hamburg (ots) - Scope Hamburg affirms the A- / stable rating of Elia Group SA / NV. The underlying rationale is characterised by an overall unchanged assessment of business risks (low) and financial risks (moderate to slightly increased) and a two-notch uplift for a high likelihood of extraordinary governmental support. Scope Hamburg GmbH has affirmed the A- issuer ...
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Press release: Aurubis AG raises full-year forecast due to very good quarterly earnings
One documentmore German LNG Terminal and Shell sign Memorandum of Understanding on the import of LNG through the planned terminal in Brunsbüttel
Brunsbüttel / Hamburg (ots) - Following the latest developments in relation to the construction of an energy terminal in Brunsbüttel, German LNG Terminal GmbH and Shell have now signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the import of LNG through the terminal. In it, they agree that Shell will make a long-term ...
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Press release: Growth area of battery recycling: Aurubis starts test operation in new pilot plant in Hamburg
2 Documentsmore German LNG Terminal in implementation phase with new shareholder structure / "Moving ahead at full speed"
Brunsbüttel / Hamburg (ots) - In view of current political developments and their impact on the gas market, the shareholders and management of German LNG Terminal GmbH on the one hand and the German Federal Government on the other have agreed on key points for further planning. On Friday, 4 March 2022, Gasunie and ...
moreTeamDrive: Free Data Service for Ukraine Aid
TeamDrive: Free Data Service for Ukraine Aid Managing Director Detlef Schmuck: "A protected and eavesdrop-proof IT infrastructure represents the backbone of any well-organized aid effort" Hamburg/Germany, March 3, 2022 - The Hamburg-based data service provider TeamDrive is now making its cloud service for data exchange available free of charge to all people with a Ukrainian passport, all privately organized Ukraine aid ...