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Wolford Aktiengesellschaft

EANS-News: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Announcement pursuant to § 5 Austrian Publication Regulation 2002

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

Stock Activity/LTI Program

Announcement pursuant to § 5 Austrian Publication Regulation 2002

|                                     |The adopted resolution was published on|
|Day and method of publication of the |September 17, 2015 pursuant to § 82    |
|resolution:                          |Para. 8 in connection with § 82 Para. 9|

|Begin and expected duration:         |The sale is to take place on January   |
|Class of shares:                     |Ordinary bearer shares of Wolford      |

|                                     |11,860 shares (on the basis of the     |
|                                     |share capital of Wolford               |
|                                     |Aktiengesellschaft amounting to EUR    |
|                                     |36,350,000,-, divided into 5,000,000   |
|Volume:                              |shares with a proportionate value of   |
|                                     |EUR 7.27 per share, this corresponds to|
|                                     |0.24% of all shares of Wolford         |
|                                     |Aktiengesellschaft or 0.24% of the     |
|                                     |share capital of Wolford               |

|                                     |About EUR 21.08 per share (or a total  |
|Selling price:                       |of EUR 250,000 for the total of 11,860 |

|                                     |The sale of own shares takes place in  |
|                                     |accordance with the Long Term Incentive|
|                                     |Program of Wolford Aktiengesellschaft, |
|                                     |in line with the resolution passed by  |
|                                     |the Supervisory Board of Wolford       |
|                                     |Aktiengesellschaft on January 18, 2016 |
|                                     |in accordance with the Report of the   |
|                                     |Supervisory Board published on         |
|Purpose:                             |September 17, 2015 pursuant to         |
|                                     |§ 95 Para. 6 Austrian Stock Corporation|
|                                     |Act in connection with § 159 Para. 2 N |
|                                     |3 Austrian Stock Corporation Act.      |
|                                     |The sale is for the purpose of enabling|
|                                     |the stipulated personal investment in  |
|                                     |shares of Wolford Aktiengesellschaft   |
|                                     |totaling EUR 250,000 on the part of the|
|                                     |Management Board members participating |
|                                     |Wolford Aktiengesellschaft does not    |
|Effect of the repurchase on the stock|expect any consequences of the sale of |
|market listing:                      |its own shares on its listing on the   |
|                                     |Official Market of the Vienna Stock    |
|                                     |There is no granting or issuing of     |
|                                     |(own) shares of Wolford                |
|                                     |Aktiengesellschaft for the members of  |
|                                     |the Management Board within the context|
|                                     |of the Long Term IncentiveProgram.     |
|                                     |The Long Term IncentiveProgram         |
|                                     |stipulates a monetary bonus for the    |
|                                     |members of the Management Board for the|
|Number and allocation of the share   |2015/2016, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018     |
|options:                             |financial years in the form of stock   |
|                                     |appreciation rights. The stock         |
|                                     |appreciation rightsare entitlements to |
|                                     |the increases in the share value. On   |
|                                     |balance, the two Management Board      |
|                                     |members participating in the Long Term |
|                                     |Incentive Program have been allocated a|
|                                     |total of 213,333 stock appreciation    |
|                                     |Wolford Aktiengesellschaft intends to  |
|                                     |fulfill any disclosure obligations     |
|                                     |pursuant to the Austrian Stock Exchange|
|                                     |Act and the Austrian Publication       |
|                                     |Regulation 2002, inasmuch as this is   |
|                                     |legally permissible, by publishing     |
|Announcement on the sale of own      |relevant information which is publicly |
|shares:                              |accessible on a Website on the         |
|                                     |Internet, namely its own Website (http:|
|                                     |//, incidentally   |
|                                     |via an information system with the aim |
|                                     |of European-wide distribution in the   |
|                                     |spirit of § 82 Para. 8 Austrian Stock  |


Bregenz, January 18, 2016                          Wolford Aktiengesellschaft

Further inquiry note:
Wolford AG
Maresa Hoffmann
Referentin Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Tel.: +43 5574 690 1258 |

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
             Wolfordstrasse 1
             A-6900 Bregenz
phone:       +43 (0) 5574 690-1268
FAX:         +43 (0) 5574 690-1219
sector:      Textiles & Clothing
ISIN:        AT0000834007
indexes:     ATX Prime, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: free trade: Frankfurt, regulated dealing: Wien, ADR: New York 
language:   English

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